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out url icon Recercat Comparison of different vascular risk engines in the identification of type 2 diabetes patients with high cardiovascular risk Rodríguez Poncelas, Antonio ; Coll de Tuero, Gabriel ; Sáez Zafra, Marc ; Garrido Martín, José M. ; Millaruelo-Trillo, José M. ; Barrot de-la-Puente, Joan ; Franch Nadal, Josep ; RedGDPS Study Group
out url icon Recercat Comparison of different vascular risk engines in the identification of type 2 diabetes patients with high cardiovascular risk Rodríguez Poncelas, Antonio ; Coll de Tuero, Gabriel ; Sáez Zafra, Marc ; Garrido Martín, José M. ; Millaruelo-Trillo, José M. ; Barrot de-la-Puente, Joan ; Franch Nadal, Josep ; RedGDPS Study Group
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Comparison of different vascular risk engines in the identification of type 2 diabetes patients with high cardiovascular risk Rodríguez Poncelas, Antonio ; Coll de Tuero, Gabriel ; Sáez Zafra, Marc ; Garrido Martín, José M. ; Millaruelo-Trillo, José M. ; Barrot de-la-Puente, Joan ; Franch Nadal, Josep ; RedGDPS Study Group
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Comparison of different vascular risk engines in the identification of type 2 diabetes patients with high cardiovascular risk Rodríguez Poncelas, Antonio ; Coll de Tuero, Gabriel ; Sáez Zafra, Marc ; Garrido Martín, José M. ; Millaruelo-Trillo, José M. ; Barrot de-la-Puente, Joan ; Franch Nadal, Josep ; RedGDPS Study Group
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 Comparison of different vascular risk engines in the identification of type 2 diabetes patients with high cardiovascular risk Rodríguez Poncelas, Antonio ; Coll de Tuero, Gabriel ; Sáez Zafra, Marc ; Garrido Martín, José M. ; Millaruelo-Trillo, José M. ; Barrot, Joan ; Franch Nadal, Josep ; RedGDPS Study Group

